(949) 496-4402

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Regular Check-Ups for Your Dentures

We all know we need regular dental checkups. If you have false teeth, you should also schedule denture checkups with a prosthodontist on a regular basis.

Over time, even the perfect denture fit can loosen and get wobbly. There's nothing wrong, it's just the natural shrinkage of your gum tissue as you age. When things begin to shift, you'll start to feel movement, usually with the lower denture. And you may start eliminating certain foods from your diet, which could impact your good health.

The comfort, stability and chewing strength of your dentures depend on the foundation -- that is, healthy gums. During your prosthodontics checkup your denturist will check to see where the denture may be rubbing against your gums. Your prosthodontist will also look for cracks in your false teeth or any signs of infection, even cancer. It may just be a simple case of relining your dentures to get back that perfect, natural fit.

The best news is we can fix a problem before it starts when you schedule your checkup with your dentist at least once a year.

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(949) 496-4402

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Absolute Smile, Inc.
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Robert Kluss

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Absolute Smile, Inc.
32282 Camino Capistrano
San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675
General Info: (949) 496-4402

 Call for an appointment:
(949) 496-4402

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